
Haternal-Worship terror-Artwork

Worship terror


EP – 17 July 2019
Digital and Digipak

“Worship terror” seems to come straight from the late 90’s: essential, cold and rough. Haternal is that kind of band carrying on black metal tradition with a contemporary aesthetics and without disruptive elements.

Repetitive mid-tempos balanced by sudden accelerations and sinister atmospheres are the key points of this four-track EP. For fans of Darkthrone, Craft, Carpathian Forest.

The four songs of the EP were part of an incomplete demo, originally recorded in 2009. Ten years later the original tracks have been taken, partially rearranged and completed in the missing parts.

In less than 30 minutes Haternal shows a dark palette in which black metal, doomish tones and black’n roll riffs live together.


Hard copy


“With a very noisy approach, without losing the atmosphere required by the genre, Worship terror leaves us the promise of a glorious future. Promise and partly confirm, because the approach, although somehow traditional, is already quite effective.”
World of metal – 8.5/10

“Se siete seguaci dell’ortodossia o semplicemente desiderate rifugiarvi per un po’ nel passato e riassaporare il gusto di un sound che tutto sommato continua a mantenere intatto il proprio fascino oscuro, allora non potrete non apprezzare questo dischetto” 

“Mid-tempos that characterize every track are the strong point of the band, which creates a sort of remarkable musical dirge through an hypnotic black metal”
Loud and Proud

Metalwave – 64/100


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